A human-AI moniker machine.


Generative Models

Dozens of bespoke naming models run in parallel to achieve outputs indistinguishable from expert namers. Each model extracts key information from the project brief and utilizes a combination of lexical databases, custom programs and a large language model (LLM).


Creative Mutation

Custom mutations are selectively applied, resulting in compound names, rhymes, alternative spellings and other common constructs. Names determined to have a low likelihood of trademark availability are passed through additional mutations based on high-performing names in the market.


Lateral Discovery

Our wildcard models uncover words and word sequences from culturally-influential sources such as song titles and novels. This process results in abstract and evocative options that complement more descriptive names produced by other means and models.


Trademark Prescreening

Based on the markets and classes in which you require protection, we filter generated names through the same global trademark database that attorneys use to quickly gauge a name’s availability. If a search indicates a high quantity of similar names, or names with a significant degree of similarity, the name is discarded. Prescreening is not a substitute for an attorney, nor does it guarantee a name’s legal defensibility.


Strategic Selection

After closely reviewing more than a thousand viable names, our brand strategists hand-pick 20 names for delivery, including our top three recommendations. Selections are informed by open-ended responses captured in your brief, practical knowledge of how brand names are utilized within organizations, and a creative judgment honed over years of working within the world’s premier branding agencies.